Monday, April 26, 2010

What is Love ?

Honest to God , what the hell is Love ? I have heard so many couples say that they are in love and then end up finding out about a week later that those two broke up because things were not working between them or it just was not meant to be . Hmm , did you not just say that you two loved each other a couple days ago ?
Definition; a strong positive emotion of regard and affection .
Google love and that's pretty much what you are going to get .

I do not believe that there should even be a definition of love . Love to me is something you should not even be able to explain . Love is something precious . Have I ever been in love ? I don't know , I'm only a sixteen year old girl in high school , I fall in love with everything basically . Yeah I have said I have been in love before , but in the long run , my relationships did not end up working out . But whenever I break up with a guy , my mom always says "I will go through a lot of guys until I find the right one." I believe her because one , she is my mother and of course "mothers do know everything" , well so to say anyways . Second , if you really do think about it , you do go through a lot of relationships searching for that one special person . There have been two times where I thought I would be with two different people even after high school , but like I said before , I'm only young .

I do believe in "high school sweethearts" . Some of my friends' parents met when they were in high school and now they are married and together and have had a long happy relationship together and started a family . But the thing that bothers me the most is when two people say that they love each other in one week . That is great that you two care a great deal about each other , but honestly you do not really love each other . You barley know each other , you two are not committed very well and you barley trust each other , so how can you be in love in a week ? I just do not think it is really possible honestly .

Love does not just happen , it is something that you have to build over time . Love is something you earn . Love is easy to say , but you should really mean it .

If I tell you I love you , I mean it with everything I can give up . If you love someone you should be able to be your complete self around someone and be able to let your guard down and know that that person will not hurt you in any way . It is not something you should throw out to everyone you know . Honestly , love is the hardest thing to explain just because only you can tell what it is . I honestly do not believe I have ever been in love , at least , not yet anyways . Finding real love is something I do not want to rush at all only because you actually learn from past and present relationships you go through in your life . Relationships teach you responsibility , how to trust a person , it raises your maturity level also , and it changes your outlook on things in life .

That is my opinion on Love .

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